Patient Before and AftersCoolsculpting on TV
This 39 year old lady from the Eagle Ford area was concerned with the fat of her lower abdomen and love handles as well as having Ultherapy performed. Dr. Koneru is the only Plastic Surgeon in San Antonio who performs both. She had such great results after first treating her lower abdomen and love handles that she came back to treat her upper abdomen. That worked so well that she treated her central lower abdomen at her third session.
Please click on the image to enlarge. Make The Tape
This 26 year old man was in the military and wanted to reduce inches so that he could "make the tape" Even though he had lost weight he still had large areas of fat and skin left. He could not afford to take off time to recover from a tummy tuck. After the procedure he lost more than enough inches to allow him to continue in the military.
Please click on the image to enlarge. Weight Loss But Extra Fat
This 38 year old man from Seguin had lost a significant amount of weight with diet and exercise, but still had problem areas that he could not get rid of. He underwent treatment of the stubborn areas of his upper and lower abdomen as well as his love handles.
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Hear what patients are saying about CoolSculptingStubborn Fat
This 45 year old lady from San Antonio was worried about her lower back and love handles. She exercised regularly but could not get rid of these stubborn collections of fat. She did not want to undergo surgery so she chose CoolSculpting of the areas.
Please click on the image to enlarge. Thin But PoochThis 54 year old lady from Boerne was very active and worked out almost every day. She just could not get rid of the little pooch of her lower tummy that she has had since her kids were born. She was so happy after the 1st treatment, she had a second one done 4 months later.
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